Cervical spine disease is a fairly common problem seen in adults. When that disease involves the compression of spinal nerves in the neck, people may seek advice from their doctor. Symptoms can range from mild neck pain to severe numbness in the hand and electric-like pain shooting down the shoulder, arm, and hand. Some patients can even experience significant weakness in the arm or hand. Fortunately, most people can be treated successfully without surgery or aggressive treatment. In a few patients, however, these symptoms can persist despite conservative treatment or become so severe that surgery is recommended for relief. Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) is a well known procedure to address such a problem. It involves going through the front of the neck and removing disc material from a spinal level and then stabilizing that level by placing bone graft material and metallic hardware. When the spine is fused, there is no longer motion at that level. Posterior cervical foraminotomy is an alternative surgical procedure to relieve symptoms of a pinched spinal nerve. This procedure is performed through the back of the neck and it creates more space for the spinal nerve to pass through. In properly selected patients, posterior cervical foraminotomy is as effective as ACDF surgery without requiring a fusion procedure.
In the surgery, you need use our orthopedic instruments, like Cervical Vertebra Chisel(Anterior cervical corpectomy/discectomy).